Sunday, October 7, 2007

i heart karaoke

ocean beach!

rode out to ocean beach a few weekends ago to see camera obscura. unfornately, it was closed...poop.

it rained on the ride out to the beach...make up melting from my face.

bat cave!! (w/o bats)

sutro baths. when would it have ever been warm enough (long enough) to enjoy this outdoors???

pretty colors.

do you see what i see?

now this picture can only mean one thing....

hell to the yes.

best granola in town. as you can see, i've eaten all of it, and there's none for you to see. served with greek yogurt, fruit, and honey....mmmmmmm.

someone else likes it too!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I see a spider web!!! i hope that's what you see.